Free with Numbers


    We suggest proceeding with a further free exploration, this time using the numbered TALES tables - downloadable in the attachments section at the bottom of the page.

    We want to focus - as we did during the body exploration - on the arithmetic aspect of TALES. The main idea is to begin to understand the arrangement of numbers on the TALES board and to become familiar with sums, differences and products between numbers connected by a line.

    As in the previous section, many activities can be carried out, according to the taste of the teacher and the characteristics of the class. We limit ourselves here to give some ideas.



    The students are asked to create a configuration of their choice and then asked to calculate the sum, product and difference between the numbers connected by the straight lines. During the questions, it is useful to highlight and use the concepts of constant and variable: if, for example, a child draws parallel lines connecting points on opposite sides, he/she will be asked to note that the difference between the connected numbers is always the same.




    The children are given a configuration, in the sense that they are given instructions in words about the lines to be drawn - for example, "join the 3 at the top with the 7 at the bottom".

    In our example, we begin by identifying the red point as the intersection of the line connecting the top 5 with the bottom 5 and the line connecting the 6 on the right with the 6 on the left. The red point - to which you can give a name during the dictation - becomes a point like all the others, that is, it can be an extreme of the drawn segments.

    Once the dictation is finished, the children can complete the figure as they like - coloring it in or adding various elements. To do this, they can take inspiration from drawings provided by the teacher - like the two below.


     Among the attachments is the file prospettiva.pdf with the lines to be dictated.

    INVERSE OPERATIONS - 10/20 minutes

    Children are asked to join points so that they have a given sum, product or difference. This exercise is preparatory to the next sections of TALES. Before doing the exercise, it is advisable to review the concepts of sum, product and difference - perhaps asking them to find two numbers that when added/multiplied/subtracted give a given number.

    In the attachments, you will find operazioni.pdf with a ready-made activity to do. 


    Free with Numbers


      We suggest proceeding with a further free exploration, this time using the numbered TALES tables - downloadable in the attachments section at the bottom of the page.

      We want to focus - as we did during the body exploration - on the arithmetic aspect of TALES. The main idea is to begin to understand the arrangement of numbers on the TALES board and to become familiar with sums, differences and products between numbers connected by a line.

      As in the previous section, many activities can be carried out, according to the taste of the teacher and the characteristics of the class. We limit ourselves here to give some ideas.



      The students are asked to create a configuration of their choice and then asked to calculate the sum, product and difference between the numbers connected by the straight lines. During the questions, it is useful to highlight and use the concepts of constant and variable: if, for example, a child draws parallel lines connecting points on opposite sides, he/she will be asked to note that the difference between the connected numbers is always the same.




      The children are given a configuration, in the sense that they are given instructions in words about the lines to be drawn - for example, "join the 3 at the top with the 7 at the bottom".

      In our example, we begin by identifying the red point as the intersection of the line connecting the top 5 with the bottom 5 and the line connecting the 6 on the right with the 6 on the left. The red point - to which you can give a name during the dictation - becomes a point like all the others, that is, it can be an extreme of the drawn segments.

      Once the dictation is finished, the children can complete the figure as they like - coloring it in or adding various elements. To do this, they can take inspiration from drawings provided by the teacher - like the two below.


       Among the attachments is the file prospettiva.pdf with the lines to be dictated.

      INVERSE OPERATIONS - 10/20 minutes

      Children are asked to join points so that they have a given sum, product or difference. This exercise is preparatory to the next sections of TALES. Before doing the exercise, it is advisable to review the concepts of sum, product and difference - perhaps asking them to find two numbers that when added/multiplied/subtracted give a given number.

      In the attachments, you will find operazioni.pdf with a ready-made activity to do.