Mathematics Primary School OILER School

Numeri e Combinatoria

LULLO is a collection of teaching activities to introduce combinatorics. Combinatorics is the analysis of all the ways in which various objects - letters, figures, numbers - can be combined in the most diverse contexts. Counting the number of ways in which you can do a certain thing - anagrams of a word, dressing up with certain clothes, etc. - is quite easy in some cases and extremely complex in others. The study of combinatorics promotes the development of mental logical structures in the attempt to model concrete situations. Combinatorics finds application in many areas of mathematics, particularly in probability.
LULLO is a collection of teaching activities to introduce combinatorics. Combinatorics is the analysis of all the ways in which various objects - letters, figures, numbers - can be combined in the most diverse contexts. Counting the number of ways in which you can do a certain thing - anagrams of a word, dressing up with certain clothes, etc. - is quite easy in some cases and extremely complex in others. The study of combinatorics promotes the development of mental logical structures in the attempt to model concrete situations. Combinatorics finds application in many areas of mathematics, particularly in probability.

Ramon Llull

Raimondo Lullo è stato uno scrittore, teologo e logico spagnolo. Ha viaggiato in gran parte dell’Europa, anche per divulgare le sue idee e la sua dottrina. Nella sua opera Ars Magna espone un metodo di ragionamento e di classificazione del sapere; i vari concetti sono rappresentato con simboli geometrici o algebrici, in modo da combinarli in tutti i modi possibile. Ci piace pensare che quest'idea, che verrà ripresa nella più nota Ars Combinatoria di Leibniz, precorra indirettamente l'odierna combinatoria.

«L'arte di Llull serve a parlare senza giudizio di ciò che in realtà si ignora» Cartesio