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OILEЯ® riconosce nella diffusione della cultura logica e matematica uno degli aspetti chiave per lo sviluppo di una società consapevole.
In quest'ottica verrà dato spazio agli aspetti ludici, alla storia e alle applicazioni della matematica e a tutti quei contesti in cui viene incoraggiata la discussione.
La nostra intenzione è provare a contrastare quella visione riduttiva secondo cui in matematica non esistano opinioni né cambiamenti; purtroppo anche a livello scolastico rischia di passare l'idea che ogni problema abbia un'unica soluzione a cui si arriva tramite un unico procedimento.
OILEЯ® si rivolge ad un pubblico molto ampio, cercando di includere persone di tutte le età, specialisti e non.
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WARM APP is a software related to intuition and numerical, logical and geometric perception. The game, which takes only a few minutes, is useful as a warm-up before doing other activities.
Several mini-games are offered in the software, each involving intuition and perception in a certain area. On the main page you select the mini-games you want to play and select the level. The level corresponds to the time the images remain on the screen: 3 seconds for level 1, 1.5 seconds for level 2 and 0.75 seconds for level 3.
The mini-game CIRCLES asks you to identify on which side - left or right - there is a
greater number of circles.
The mini-game is mainly related to the thematic core Numbers
The SHAPES mini-game asks you to identify the figure of greater area or lesser area.
The mini-game is mainly related to the thematic core Space and Shapes (α).
The LINES mini-game asks you to identify the longest or shortest line.
The mini-game is mainly related to the thematic core Space and Shapes (α).
The COUNTING mini-game asks you to guess the number of circles that appear. In the final results
The final results show the number entered by the user and the actual number of circles.
reasonable estimate rather than an exact answer.
The mini-game is mainly related to the
thematic core
thematic nucleus Numbers (Σ) and Relations, Data and Predictions (Ω).
The WATER mini-game asks you to figure out if there is a path from the tap to the bucket. The
of pipes in series and in parallel recalls the logical concepts of AND and OR.
The mini-game is mainly related to the thematic core Logic (λ).
The idea of the game CIRCLES and in general the idea that a warm-up can be useful even before doing mathematical activities is taken from the video where Lisa Feigenson's research is presented (JHU).