Mathematics Primary School OILER School

Geometria e Aritmetica

TALES is an educational path aimed at primary school. Through graphic constructions obtained with a ruler, the class explores increasingly richer structures that become familiar with some notions and skills of geometry and arithmetic. The students encounter incident lines, parallel and perpendicular, observe regularities in the four operations, classify polygons, and express themselves on an artistic side. TALES can also provide first intuitive ideas on conics, perspective, the Cartesian plane, and Thales' theorem.

Data Sheet


CLASSES: 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. However, it's possible to adapt the work for the first two grades.

The student:

  • moves confidently in mental calculation;
  • recognizes and represents forms of the plane and space, relationships and structures found in nature or created by man;
  • describes, names and classifies figures based on geometric characteristics;
  • uses tools for geometric design.

MULTIDISCIPLINARY LINKS: art and image, technology.

Il percorso è stato ideato da Luigi Bernardi, Giorgia Damiano.

TALES is an educational path aimed at primary school. Through graphic constructions obtained with a ruler, the class explores increasingly richer structures that become familiar with some notions and skills of geometry and arithmetic. The students encounter incident lines, parallel and perpendicular, observe regularities in the four operations, classify polygons, and express themselves on an artistic side. TALES can also provide first intuitive ideas on conics, perspective, the Cartesian plane, and Thales' theorem.

Data Sheet


CLASSES: 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. However, it's possible to adapt the work for the first two grades.

The student:

  • moves confidently in mental calculation;
  • recognizes and represents forms of the plane and space, relationships and structures found in nature or created by man;
  • describes, names and classifies figures based on geometric characteristics;
  • uses tools for geometric design.

MULTIDISCIPLINARY LINKS: art and image, technology.

Il percorso è stato ideato da Luigi Bernardi, Giorgia Damiano.

Thales of Miletus

Thales is the first known philosopher and mathematician of the Western world, considered one of the seven sages of antiquity. He left no writings, but many speak of him, including Plato, Aristotle, Herodotus. Many discoveries in astronomy and mathematics are attributed to Thales. Among these, the fact that a triangle inscribed in a semicircle is a rectangle. Particularly famous is the story according to which, during a trip to Egypt, Thales was able to measure the height of the pyramid of Cheops based on the comparison between the shadow of the pyramid and the shadow produced by a stick planted in the sand. This was acived basing precisely on the theorem that today bears his name (but only in Italy and France).